
Unionville: Caffe Gran Sasso

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

When I say I don't want to spend more than $10 I mean it haha. Lately, my friends and I have been wanting to go out with the intention of spending the bare minimum of our budget. We wanted to get some vitamin D since it was such a beautiful day. So I suggested - Unionville. Unionville is located within Markham. It's so small if you blink, you'll pass by it and not even know it. But, it stands out for its historic building structure. I'm so glad we went because we were able to get some vitamin D, enjoy some music, walk along the streets where people ate gelato, and drink some good quality coffee. 

After walking up and down the streets of Unionville TWICE (we wanted to burn calories haha) we stopped by this coffee place called Caffe Gran Sasso. I like how it looked from the outside and I was definitely excited to try their coffee since I, myself, is a coffee lover. I love the interior of the coffee shop as it gave a modern industrial design. I felt relaxed and I was quite pleased to see that they also sell gelato! 

To be honest, I had my eyes set on the caffe afogato. But upon viewing the price I was hesitant because  I didn't want to spend lol.. But then, I decided to go for it because the description sounded just too good to pass. It was described as vanilla ice-cream drowned in espresso. Sounds interesting right? So my friend and I shared the caffe afogato, and I honestly do not regret it at all. The vanilla ice-cream was smooth and sweet but just perfect enough to blend with the espresso. From personal experience, I believe this is by far one of the best espressos I have ever tasted. I think it blended well with the vanilla ice-cream. The espresso itself was thick, greasy, and smooth in texture and with an after taste that had a pull. A positive pull that lingered but it wasn't a bitter, roasted kind of touch but instead one that laces well with the vanilla ice-cream. Overall I loved it. And now, I'm probably going to stay awake for another 5 hours haha. 

My other friend on the other hand bought Matchaccino. Although I took two sips out of his cup, I found the matcha itself delightful as well. So if you're passing by Unionville and happen to see Caffe Granso Sasso,  stop by. 

Caffe Afogato


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